temporarily.” Lin Xin showed him a gentle smile. He didn’t know yet whether the demon clan could successfully increase the power, but it should be possible, but it might take up more mental energy. .

temporarily.” Lin Xin showed him a gentle smile. He didn’t know yet whether the demon clan could successfully increase the power, but it should be possible, but it might take up more mental energy. .
Stretching out his hand, Lin Xin forcibly chanted the incantation of the soul contract. The golden beetle was completely unable to resist and could only let him do what he did.
“Start transmitting the amplification now.” After completing the contract, Lin Xin stretched out his hand and pressed against the golden shell of the golden beetle.
The faint light quickly passed towards the beetle. Hiss Amidst the
noise like the sound of electricity, Lin Xin and Inmantu watched helplessly as the golden beetle grew larger and taller.
Within ten breaths of time, the golden beetle, which was originally only the size of a fist, grew larger and larger, inflating crazily like a balloon.
Its jointed limbs became more and more pointed and elongated, its outer shell had a faint dark golden sheen, and circles of special air currents were constantly surging throughout its body.
/When it finally stopped, the golden beetle had expanded to more than ten meters wide and twenty meters long, floating and flying above the empty ship, directly blocking most of the light.
“The power is so powerful!” The golden beetle roared in ghostly language, as if it was suffering from unparalleled horrific pain.
“Master, incomparably majestic master, you have given me incomparable power. No matter what you do, Kekesai will do his best to complete it for you!”
The intelligence of the golden beetle Kekesai is not high, and Lin Xin clearly feels that his soul In the link, the space occupied is only ten times larger than that of ants.
“Kekesai?” He looked at the giant golden beetle flying in the sky with interest in his eyes.
Hearing the roar at this time, the captain Zhou Aifa and others in the cabin ran out one after another. Zhao Ke, Ye Qingchang, and the little girl Lin Xiaoyu from Tianyundao also ran out and looked dumbfounded at the golden beetle above their head who was roaring something randomly. .
“This is it!!” Zhao Ke quickly took out his magic sword and prepared to take action.
“Don’t act rashly.” Immanto suddenly appeared in front of him and stretched out his hand to block him. “This is the master’s servant and will not pose a threat to the ship.”
Then, his eyes fell on the several-meter-long flying snake. body.
After discovering that the creatures were too weak and therefore inefficient, he immediately slightly increased the level of the creatures he selected.
“Really?” Zhao Ke felt a little worried. This giant golden beetle appeared out of nowhere. There was no trace of it before. Suddenly it was said that it was Lin. My eldest brother’s servant, no one would believe this statement at once.
But soon the Golden Beetle’s series of actions shocked him. Not only him, but also Ye Qingchang and others, Zhou Aifa and other crew members also looked at each other in shock.
/The golden beetle swooped down and quickl

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