I just think her situation is very unstable and dangerous now. Since she went crazy just now, she might go crazy again at any time later.” Zhang Hua explained a few words to Hu Jun. Of course, he also Thinking about his own safety.

I just think her situation is very unstable and dangerous now. Since she went crazy just now, she might go crazy again at any time later.” Zhang Hua explained a few words to Hu Jun. Of course, he also Thinking about his own safety.
This time Zhou Jingjing went crazy and stabbed Li Miao. Will she pretend to be crazy and stab him next time? Considering the previous conflicts between the two parties, Zhang Hua felt that this matter was very likely.
“You are targeting us on purpose! Is this interesting?” Hu Jun became even more unhappy.
“Tie her up.” Liu Gan took out a short rope and threw it to Zhang Shengli.
“Master Liu! Jingjing didn’t mean to hurt Dr. Li!” Seeing that Liu Qian actually agreed to Zhang Hua’s suggestion, Hu Jun quickly begged Liu Qian for Zhou Jingjing.
“I didn’t say that she intentionally hurt Dr. Li, but what Zhang Hua said makes sense. Her current condition is unknown, and she doesn’t know if she will suddenly fall ill. For the safety of herself, you, and other team members, she It is necessary to tie her up. If the real cause of her illness is found later and she no longer shows any abnormality, I will naturally restore her freedom.” Liu Gan replied to Hu Jun.
When dealing with this matter, Liu Qian did not have any emotions, did not favor anyone, and did not want to punish anyone. He only considered it from the perspective of the overall safety of the team.
Hu Jun was silent, but he didn’t dare to express any objection, so he had to let go of Zhou Jingjing. Zhang Shengli took the rope and tied Zhou Jingjing’s hands tightly behind her back. Zhou Jingjing was very cooperative during this process, without saying a word or struggling.
“Hu Jun, please don’t stay with Zhou Jingjing for the time being, so as not to be swayed by emotions. Others will take good care of her. Wang Decheng and Han Guangming, from now on, you two will take turns watching Zhou Jingjing. If she has anything If there is any abnormality, please report it to me at any time.” Liu Qian also told Wang Decheng and Han Guangming a few words.
“Okay!” Wang Decheng and Han Guangming responded to Liu Gan, and then comforted Hu Jun a few words, telling him not to worry too much.
“Yinhe, have you discovered anything?” Liu Qian saw Yinhe observing the wall of the toilet in the innermost cubicle, so he walked over and asked her in a low voice.
/“There are water stains on the wall and water stains on the ground. These water stains should be from outside. They came from that direction.” Yinhe pointed to the elevated part above the toilet.
/Liu Qian took a look, and sure enough, there were water stains on the wall of the cubicle at the end of the toilet, and there were also some water stains on the ground. When they came in before, they had been busy asking Li Miao and Zhou Jingjing about the situation, but they didn’t look for any traces at the scene. Fortunately, Yinhe was not idle.
“Dr. Li, when you were in the toilet just now, apart from Zhou Jingjing’s abnormal behavior, did you notice any other abnormalities?” Liu Qia

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