waves rose from the sea, reaching up to 10,000 meters, covering endless rocks along the way, but they were still unable to submerge Zhang Lisheng’s small body.

waves rose from the sea, reaching up to 10,000 meters, covering endless rocks along the way, but they were still unable to submerge Zhang Lisheng’s small body.
Ask him to draw a straight thin line that shines like a rainbow under the soft light from the clouds in the sky.
It wasn’t until his body was about two or three meters away from the sea that God Wu Li finally stopped violently in the void. The air brought up by the fall actually stirred up the sparkling sea water under his feet and spread out a halo of water hundreds of meters in diameter.
At this time, the 10,000-meter-high wave had begun to surge back. When the huge wave that covered the sky and the earth crashed down, Zhang Lisheng frowned casually, then waved his hand as if to shoo away flies, and suddenly saw the water curtain all over the sky. After a pause, the million-meter-deep seawater at the feet of God Wu Li slowly split apart.
Zhang Lisheng flew along the crack and went deep into the seabed. After passing the 10,000-meter-high roots of Tiantai Mountain, a strange stone base appeared in front of him.
After calming down, Zhang Lisheng suddenly flew backwards while breaking through the sea water behind him. He flew dozens of kilometers in an instant. The more he looked at the distant island, the stranger his expression became.
After observing from a distance for a few minutes, God Wu Li took a deep breath and whispered to himself: “The turtle is called the shell, the turtle is called the cover, and what should the turtle be called?”, and then he looked like a small insect crawling towards the majestic mountain peaks. He also flew back to the base of Tiantai Mountain, stretched out his hand, and gently rubbed the fossil in front of him.
With Zhang Lisheng’s gentle movements, the huge scars broken by the divine power on the sea began to slowly heal. The boundless sea water and the crystal clear sand on the seabed blended together and slowly penetrated into the stone foundation of Tiantai Mountain.
One minute, two minutes, one hour, two hours… One day passed in a blink of an eye. The light from the floating clouds in the sky of the secret realm was extinguished. When it came back on, Zhang Lisheng, who had exhausted all his divine power, finally flew out of the sea.
His whole body showed the same extreme tiredness as after two consecutive evolutions yesterday, but his spirit seemed very excited. As he flew, he murmured to himself, “It actually reawakened Shen’ao’s vitality, even though it was just A trivial little bit, but it also shows that it can be resurrected.
/Since it can be resurrected with divine power, it is certainly not a problem to rebuild its limbs. In this way, the sun, the five-colored soil of Tiantai Mountain, the four legs of the divine turtle, and the three heaven-filling I put together the major elements.
The same things are used in different ways, and the results are completely different. Nuwa died because of patching up the sky, but I can use this power to obtain unparalleled benefits for myself. It’s a

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