Several dead waiters were almost beaten to death by me, but at this moment, Mr. Qian led several dead waiters. The waiters blocked my way, and one of them stood in front of me holding Luo Qiong.

Several dead waiters were almost beaten to death by me, but at this moment, Mr. Qian led several dead waiters. The waiters blocked my way, and one of them stood in front of me holding Luo Qiong.
“Ba Xiaoshan, don’t move! Otherwise I will kill your brother!” he shouted at me.
I had to stop, Luo Qiong lowered his head weakly, and I shouted: “Xiao Luo, are you okay?”
After hearing my voice, Luo Qiong raised his head slightly, and was surprised when he saw my face clearly, and then My eyes were wide open, full of sadness, and I shouted to me: “Brother Shan, Feng’er, Feng’er, she”
“What’s wrong with her?” I shouted anxiously.
/At this time, the doctor he had just seen walked up to Mr. Qian and whispered a few words. Mr. Qian nodded.
“What the hell is going on?” I threw out the wooden box and pulled out the broken sword. Just as I was about to kill him, Mr. Qian turned around and shouted at me: “Do you want your brother to die?”
I gritted my teeth and stopped again. As I stepped down, Mr. Qian looked behind him with a very unkind look, and I continued to ask: “Xiao Luo, what happened to Feng’er?”
Luo Qiong had tears in his eyes, and shouted to me with a tearful tone: “They A dead man tortured Feng’er and Feng’er’s child, but he couldn’t save it and he suffered a miscarriage due to massive bleeding!”
This news instantly hit my heart like a bolt from the blue!
Time seems to freeze, and words are like the cold breath brought by the wind, blowing into people’s bones all of a sudden, with a bone-chilling chill and an icy sting. Luo Qiong’s words were still echoing in my ears, and I stared blankly ahead, not even knowing what to say for a moment.
“Brother Shan.” Luo Qiong called my name over and over again, but I never responded.
What happened that day completely changed the fate of several of us, especially Fatty. Fatty
/opened his eyes, and chaotic sounds echoed in his ears. After being in a coma for a long time, he finally woke up, raised his head and looked forward, wanted to move his wrist but couldn’t move it for a long time, and looked back with still blurry eyes. Seeing the thick iron chains wrapped around his body, all the strength in his body seemed to be completely drained, and an overwhelming feeling of fatigue hit his heart.
“You guys” he opened his mouth to say something, but at this moment. A voice suddenly penetrated his ears. The voice was so prominent that it drowned out all other sounds. It floated in the strong wind and finally penetrated into his brain. That was Luo Qiong’s voice. He shouted at me: “One of their deadliest torturers, Feng’er, Feng’er’s child, couldn’t save it due to massive bleeding and miscarriage!”
The fat man was stunned. At this moment, he seemed to feel his heart trembling, and his whole body seemed to have fallen into a terrible ice hole. During this time,the chill spread from the soles of my feet to the top of my head!
The words “The child was not saved” kept echoing in his ears, repeated over and over again!
Looking ahead, outside the tent set up in fr

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