of only a few dozen demon beasts is not too strong. The real strength of the Lao Sheep Demon’s community is the Lao Sheep Demon itself. Thousand-year-old demons are already rare, and the strength of their representatives is natural. Extraordinary. It was precisely because of the weakness of the entire race that they gave Mr. Jin the wrong idea that the Lao Sheep Demon’s race was not very powerful.

of only a few dozen demon beasts is not too strong. The real strength of the Lao Sheep Demon’s community is the Lao Sheep Demon itself. Thousand-year-old demons are already rare, and the strength of their representatives is natural. Extraordinary. It was precisely because of the weakness of the entire race that they gave Mr. Jin the wrong idea that the Lao Sheep Demon’s race was not very powerful.
And today, it is clear that they have to pay the price for their misconceptions.
The blind fox looked nervous. The information collected before did not show that there was a ghost tiger among the old sheep demon’s demon clan.
“If the vanguard is a ghost tiger, it’s hard for me to imagine that there is any more powerful monster behind it,” the blind fox whispered to himself, his facial muscles almost cramping.
At this moment, I was lying on the hillside watching all this. I lit a cigarette and smiled and said: “My dear, you are really generous. The ghost tiger will be the vanguard and cannon fodder. I estimate that there are at least five or six of the old sheep demon under his control.” A hundred-year-old Taoist monster.”
“Crossbowmen, prepare, we must strike first, we can’t let them lead us away!” The blind fox shouted, “Put up the crossbow, are the arrows ready?
” “It’s over!” The people from behind pushed three or four huge crossbow carts, each of which was three or four meters high from the ground. The crossbows were loaded with bundles of explosives tied to the arrows. This thing was really powerful. It’s small, and I guess its power is about the same as the Japanese mountain artillery during the Anti-Japanese War.
At this moment, a low roar came from the distant mountain peak. Different from the previous ones, this growl seemed more urgent and powerful. After hearing this sound, the four ghost tigers roared in response, then ran wildly towards Fatty Jin and his camp.
/“They’re coming, get ready, they’re coming!” the guard standing at the door shouted hurriedly.
Each Northeast Demon Hunting Crossbow requires at least three people to control it, with one person aiming in the direction and pressing the firing trigger. One person loads the crossbow, while the remaining person adjusts the height and accuracy of the crossbow.
“Directly ahead, thirty degrees, prepare to launch! Set up the elements, prepare, launch!” As a roar came, the arrows on the crossbow flew out with a “whoosh”, and the crossbow arrows traveled through the air for a long time. Over a long distance, the four ghost tigers have extremely strong impact, and they seem to know how to cooperate. Two of them attack both sides of the camp, while the other two are responsible for the frontal attack.
The huge crossbow arrow was packed with powerful explosives and suddenly landed outside the camp. The ghost tiger rushing in front was too strong and could not stop suddenly, so it ran into the flaming crossbow arrow head-on. The crossbow exploded the moment it hit the ground. Huge flames shot up into the sky, releasing a powerful shock wave at th

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