s Angeles County Prison is the largest prison in the United States. There are nearly 20,000 criminals incarcerated in total, which is about 40% more than the number of students at the University of Southern California.

s Angeles County Prison is the largest prison in the United States. There are nearly 20,000 criminals incarcerated in total, which is about 40% more than the number of students at the University of Southern California.
It is located 18 kilometers away from the Los Angeles International Airport. It took an hour to drive on the road. When we arrived, we walked a long way. On the way, we saw seven newly built buildings where the prisoners were held.
The entire Los Angeles County jail covers a very large area, and there are many short-term prisoners in custody. People come and go every day, and various criminals such as drunk driving and fights will be released after only a month or two, and they will never be released again. There will be a shortage of people.
The prison is divided into two areas for serious offenders and misdemeanors. Last year, Balzer was imprisoned in Seattle. Han Xuan used some personal connections to move him to his home base in Los Angeles. This way, he can be taken care of easily. He knows many judges and prosecutors, so it will be a breeze. I asked someone to say hello and arranged Balzer to a luxurious prison.
In the United States, prisons are also divided into levels. The California government invests more than $600 million in Los Angeles County prisons every year, and it is managed by a private enterprise.
In order to make profits, the company owners let ordinary prisoners work, and they were exploited by the prison without any means. They worked twice as long as ordinary people every day, and the monthly salary was only a mere four to five hundred US dollars. It was euphemistically called “Work transforms life, and recreation and entertainment pass the time.”
Someone is easy to do. I heard that there is a golf course in this prison, and the single rooms are like high-end hotels. Han Xuan just brought Balzer here. I believe he will be more comfortable than before in Seattle.
Several cars came towards them, with the logo of Oracle on their bodies. They might be maintenance vehicles, but Han Xuan didn’t pay attention.
The smell of pizza could be smelled in the carriage. When I opened the black box, there was a Burberry suit inside. I couldn’t get out of prison without changing my clothes. I thought of the glorious Balzer, and I felt happy for him from the bottom of my heart.
/After all, someone died and he would have been jailed, but Han Xuan spent one million dollars to bail Balzer out in advance. The power-money transactions involved were not known to outsiders and were quite complicated to deal with.
The motorcade stopped at the gate of the prison, and Han Xuan was sitting in the car waiting. Secretary Dawson went to negotiate with the guards and asked them to help bring Balzer.
Soon after, Secretary Dawson came back and asked confusedly: “Little boss, did you remember the wrong date? The guard just told me that he will not be released until next Monday.” “Next week?

/Han Xuan sounded surprised. , getting out of the car and buttoning his suit, he said: “Well, he cal

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