ts. But discipline is relatively poor, and those who have practiced magic are also more undisciplined. In operations, there are often cases of disobeying orders or simply being passive and slacking off. Although the top management of 507 Institute has introduced many regulations to rectify this situation, it is impossible to see the results in one day. In order to cope with the increasing number of cases and incidents at that time. Someone suggested that some capable and spiritual giant soldiers should be selected from the army. Let them learn spells and then form an action group. This action group has a strong fighting capacity and obeys orders. The effectiveness of its work must be much higher than that of other action groups.

ts. But discipline is relatively poor, and those who have practiced magic are also more undisciplined. In operations, there are often cases of disobeying orders or simply being passive and slacking off. Although the top management of 507 Institute has introduced many regulations to rectify this situation, it is impossible to see the results in one day. In order to cope with the increasing number of cases and incidents at that time. Someone suggested that some capable and spiritual giant soldiers should be selected from the army. Let them learn spells and then form an action group. This action group has a strong fighting capacity and obeys orders. The effectiveness of its work must be much higher than that of other action groups.
At that time, this proposal was recognized by many people, and Mr. Sha also thought it was feasible. Then start making arrangements. Soon, the first action team was established, and Mr. Sha personally named it the martial arts team. Half a year after the establishment of the martial arts team, they began to engage in actual combat. As expected, the results were very good, so they pursued the victory and established a second action team composed of soldiers. This action team was called the Junfu team. After that, in order to distinguish the two teams, they were habitually called Beiyanwu and Nanjunfu internally.
/However, because some of the work in the 507th Institute is very dangerous and casualties often occur, and there are very few soldiers with spiritual senses among the military, the subsequent recruitment of combatants has become a big problem. In order to solve this problem, someone proposed a new idea at that time. This idea was to adopt some homeless orphans from childhood, whether they were foreign or Chinese. After being adopted, he was trained in military management and taught spells since childhood. When they grow up, they join Beiyanwu and Nanjunfu. Become a new action team member. However, although this idea is good, the cycle is relatively long and it will take more than ten years. Therefore, it stopped after two batches were implemented. In addition, there was a dissolution storm in 507 Institute at that time. Funds were severely tight, so the follow-up was not continued. At the same time, due to the lack of personnel, Beiyanwu and Nanjunfu did not continue to expand new combat teams. Therefore, in the entire 507 institute, there are only these two action groups under militarized management.
These foreigners may be the children who grew up and joined the action team after the two batches of training in the 1980s. Now more than ten years have passed, and these people are all in their late teens or early twenties.
/“Bei Yanwu.” The guy with the weird hairstyle in the middle replied.
“Oh, why did the 507 action team take over Shenmen’s Xuanhong? Or did Mr. Sha directly send you to kill me?” I asked.
“Xuan Hong also accepted it. The order was given. There is no conflict.”
I poured myself a glass of wine, smiled and said, “How sure are you five that you can beat me?”

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