of him? We have fought so many times. Even if he is here now, Yuan Shihong can stop what I, Yuan Shihong, want to do. Yes?” The Taoist gently drew out the sword from his back and sneered. “As for the evidence, if you kill someone first and then make some random things to fake it, isn’t that evidence?”

of him? We have fought so many times. Even if he is here now, Yuan Shihong can stop what I, Yuan Shihong, want to do. Yes?” The Taoist gently drew out the sword from his back and sneered. “As for the evidence, if you kill someone first and then make some random things to fake it, isn’t that evidence?”
“Grandpa Shenwei,” Wan’er lowered her head and whispered in confusion.
“And don’t worry, Ji Lu is currently banned in the Alchemy Hall. He can’t come out until he breaks through the ninth floor. The only one he has friends with is Zhongxuan, but that guy is still fighting in the outside world and has no time to take care of the inside. When the news spreads, everything will It’s a foregone conclusion.” Yuan Shihong comforted in a low voice.
The two of them went all the way down the mountain and entered the bamboo forest. Yuan Shihong put the woman on the outskirts of the bamboo forest.
/“Waner, wait a moment. I’ll be back as soon as I go.”
“Yes.” Wan’er nodded slowly, no longer worried.
/Yuan Shihong immediately floated forward, heading straight for Lingxin Villa.
The golden sword in his hand shone with golden light as he got closer to the villa.
Far through the bamboo forest, he saw a group of people entering the villa, and a stern look flashed in his eyes.
“Guide to the Eternal World, destroy Qu Yang, third mantra, kill!”
He muttered words, holding a sword in his right hand, while his left hand continued to make complex handprints. In just a few seconds, he formed more than ten different handprints, and his fingers were as soft as ropes. flexible.
As he uttered the last word, a faint transparent rune shadow suddenly appeared in the middle of his golden sword blade, which was constantly rotating around the blade, like a ring worn through it.
The golden sword was raised high, and the muscles all over his body suddenly swelled. His body size suddenly expanded from about 1.7 meters to nearly 2 meters. His robe was also very elastic and stretched, directly changing from loose to tight.
Inside the villa.
“Liu’er, what did the worshipers say?” Xiao Lingling was quietly sipping tea in the small courtyard, with a little maid standing behind her.
“I didn’t say anything. I just prescribed a decoction for Madam. I hope she can take it on time.” The maid replied in a low voice.
“Soup.” Xiao Lingling shook her head and suddenly turned to look at Lin Xinyuan who came in through the side door.
“Sister, why are you here when you have time?” She stood up and smiled.
Lin Xinyuan smiled.
“Zhen’er has made new progress just now, and may be able to enter the third level at the age of fifteen. In this way, there may be a real Qi practitioner in our Lingxin Villa in the future.”
“Qi practitioner? Zhen’er Do you really have such potential?” Xiao Lingling was also surprised.
So far in the Villa, Huang Shi Hidden in the dark, except for Lin Xin and a few secret guards, no one knew that he was a Qi practitioner.
As for the remaining disciples who worshiped and returned to the villa, the strongest were o

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