Shinra Palace not long ago. It is rumored that he colluded with the devil and violated the taboo of the Shinra Palace. The master couldn’t protect him, so he had to drive him out, which was a kind of protection in disguise.

Shinra Palace not long ago. It is rumored that he colluded with the devil and violated the taboo of the Shinra Palace. The master couldn’t protect him, so he had to drive him out, which was a kind of protection in disguise.
He intuitively felt that there might be a big secret hidden in Song Danhao.
Deep in the North Sea.
Qingyun Island.
White rocks cover the entire surface of the island. Some of the taller rocks are piled up into stone mountains, while the shorter ones are made up of hills and earth slopes.
The sea water rushed ashore, was divided into countless white fragments by the rocks, and then slowly receded.
On the side of several larger gray-white stones, amid the turbulence of the sea, a five-meter-long gray-black boat quickly docked.
Several young people on the boat were dressed in guard uniforms and jumped briskly onto the rocks.
/One of them has erratic eyes and a full beard. He looks very mature, but judging from his skin and eyes, you can tell that this person is not very old.
“This is Qingyun Island, close to Sanwu Island and Dongchuan Island. Okay, let’s get off the boat first. We will be stationed here for three days. Someone will come to change shifts in three days. Everyone, cheer up.” The
leader Captain Chen shouted a few words and jumped from the boat onto the stone.
“Are we going to guard here first, and if we encounter a scale that we can’t handle, we will give an early warning to the tribe?”
“No, there is already a camp here, we are just replacing people.” The captain explained casually.
/Several team members responded one after another.
The same goes for the bearded man. He looked around carefully.
The small island that Gong Shang Bai Yu found for him was relatively close to Sanwu Island. It only took a small boat to get there. Then he could use Lin Sheri’s name to block the pursuit of that group of mysterious people.
After having a fight with Lin Sangxiu last night, I was almost attacked on the way back.
Fortunately, he escaped in time and was extremely fast, otherwise he would have been arrested long ago and tortured in various ways. So now he has become extremely sensitive, fearing that something will happen again.
“Let’s go to the camp first. There is a simple camp here that the family set up here before. Let’s stay here first and then we can plant early warning tree seeds after changing people tomorrow.”
Song Danhao nodded slightly and followed several others to the shore. Jumping around on the messy rocks.
He planned to use Lin Sheri to hide for a while, wait for the demon spirit to retreat, and then take a boat directly to Juantian City.
Compared with the mysterious organization that has been chasing him behind his back, the city controlled by Shinra Mansion is still slightly safer after all.
A few people had just landed ashore when they heard a muffled sound from the ship behind them. It actually split into two from the middle section and slowly entered the water.
“What’s going on!!?” Captain Chen’s expression suddenly changed and h

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