of the mountain, it’s probably close to a thousand, right?

of the mountain, it’s probably close to a thousand, right?
The sound of Liu Gan and others approaching alarmed some of the zombies above the stone stairs. They turned their heads, roared at the four people and then rushed down. The zombies near them were alarmed by them and turned around too. He rushed towards the four people on the stone staircase.
Like toppling dominoes, more zombies were alarmed and roared with overwhelming force as they rushed towards the four people on the stone staircase. To be precise, the zombie wave rushed towards Liu Qian, Wang Decheng, and Han Guangming. In their eyes, the Milky Way was no different from a stone.
/“Don’t look back! Go back down the mountain at full speed!” Liu Gan watched the zombies pounce down with great ferocity. Feeling that the situation was not good, he immediately yelled at the three people around him, and jumped down the stone staircase with long strides. .
Originally, when facing such a large number of zombies, Liu Gan would not be so embarrassed, but the current terrain conditions are somewhat special. All the zombies are concentrated on the top of the mountain. They rush down from the top without fear of death. Even if Liu Gan The three of them were very good at fighting. Under their continuous attack, they would eventually be buried alive in the tide of corpses.
Once trapped, even if it is as strong as a willow stem, it will be torn into pieces by them after the mist armor is shattered by them. The only solution for now is to go down the mountain faster than they can in order to avoid the attack of the corpse tide and avoid the tragic ending of being buried under the corpse tide.
Fortunately, Liu Gan’s order was issued in time. After Wang Decheng and Han Guangming reached level 5, their physical strength, speed, and agility have greatly improved. Even in the dark, they can jump down the stone stairs with great strides. After what happened in the cemetery, Han Guangming’s courage was inspired, and he did not stumble or fall out of fear.
/After jumping wildly, the four of them fled back to the bottom of the hill in embarrassment. After the wave of corpses on the mountain pursued them to the foot of the mountain, they stopped pursuing them and instead slowly followed the stone stairs and forest to the top of the mountain again. Climbing up, it was obvious that the howling sound had a fatal attraction to them.
“There must be a leader on the top of the mountain surrounded by these zombies, and those screams are from it.” Liu Gan looked in the direction of the top of the mountain and said to Wang Decheng and Han Guangming beside him.
“But in this case, we can’t reach the top of the mountain at all.” Wang Decheng replied to Liu Gan in shock.
In the situation just now, if they hadn’t escaped quickly, they would have definitely died in the tide of corpses rushing down from the top of the mountain. Even if they had advanced to level 5, they would never have been able to survive being buried in the tide of corpses rushing down at such a high speed.

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