me to school.”

me to school.”
Looking at Xiao Yu, who was wearing a British aristocratic school uniform, Zhao Song said with a smile: “Yes, you can just walk around the Summer Palace and don’t worry about the camera.
It will be over in a while.” Xiaoyu also knelt down and rubbed Lianshun’s hair, “Brother, you haven’t slept for two nights.”
After hesitating, Zhao Songcai said with a smile, “Okay, if you have anything, just call me.

… Xiaoyu got into the car and warned Ermao several times before sending them off.
After buying a few newspapers, Zhao Song walked towards Youjia with a tired look on his face. When he reached the small square, Zhao Song stopped when he looked at the Youjia Club with the door wide open.
After hesitating for a long time, he walked in gently, said hello to Liu Lili who was busy at the bar, and then found a sofa and sat down.
There is a club here, and he once named it a leisure club. Every table, chair, furnishing, and every old lamp and fixture here were all decorated by him. After such a long time, he has never sat here properly. sit.
Original red bricks, exposed wood, old-fashioned telephone lamps, fragrant coffee, and a retro style that will never go out of style, here is a fashionable beach. Shang Beach is famous throughout Kyoto University Circle.
Zhao Song lay on the sofa and sighed comfortably before picking up a newspaper and unfolding it.
When he saw the bold and enlarged font on the front page, he smiled with satisfaction, put the newspaper aside, and slowly closed his eyes.
I want to make money!
Zhao Song did not read the name of the newspaper. When the draft was released last night, it was not yet 12 o’clock. Zhao Song believed that those daily newspapers had not yet reached the final draft. No major national events happened yesterday. Zhao Song believed that when these newspapers read When you look at the news on the official websites of American media, you will definitely not mind changing the headlines on the front page.

“The First Transnational Patent Rights Protection Case of a Flower Planting Company”
“Kyoto News reported that on the evening of September 19, Tesla Company, a flower planting company, announced that it had formally filed a lawsuit in the court in the United States against PNY Company for infringement of its American patents, demanding huge compensation. PNY is
It is reported that this lawsuit was formally filed on September 19, 2000, U.S. time . PNY is one of the major companies in the computer storage retail market in the United States. In the complaint, Tesla accused PNY of infringing upon it. The basic patent for flash memory with patent number US6829672 requires
PNY to stop its infringement and compensate Tesla for the economic losses caused by it.
According to the information published on Tesla’s official website, this compensation may be in the field of flash memory. The highest amount of compensation so far. However
/, Tesla did not want to disclose the specific amount. This is also
the first case in which an IT company

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