owing him since he was young, he has never killed anyone. The ecstasy flag in his hand can seal part of the other party’s memory, but there are still hidden dangers after all.

owing him since he was young, he has never killed anyone. The ecstasy flag in his hand can seal part of the other party’s memory, but there are still hidden dangers after all.
However, Wu Ming is still willing to bear this risk.
As long as he is careful, and Wu Deng is old and weak and has only a few years to live, there is not much risk.
He waved the jet-black flag in his hand and swayed slightly. Wu Deng was suddenly entangled in a black energy and slowly fainted to the ground.
/Zhang Jian’s eternal will was huge, but the movements in the Wu family compound were completely caught by his eyes.
Zhang Jian looked noncommittal. For him, giving Wu Ming a casual hint was just a matter of pleasure.
Also, the scene in the Wu family mansion was somewhat similar to the layout of Fengyang County back then, which reminded him of the years in Fengyang County.
If it weren’t for his extraordinary talent, perhaps the Wu Ming of today would be the Wu Ming of the past.
Outside Kam Tin City.
Zhang Jian now had a jade gourd in his hand.
The gourd is two to three times larger than a normal small gourd. The body of the gourd is round and round, which is very pleasing to the eye.
Feeling the strong innate aura emanating from the jasper gourd in his hand, as well as the overall flawless innate charm of its body, his eyes fluctuated a little. This baby already possessed part of the essence of the innate spiritual treasure, but unfortunately, it may have been conceived because of insufficient time. Yue, perhaps because of incomplete innate origin, failed to become an innate spiritual treasure, but after being refined, it was also an acquired spiritual treasure of extremely high quality.
A purple-yellow dragon-shaped fairy light merged into Zhang Jian’s hand, and after a moment he started to refine it.
Innate Nether Gourd: A top-grade acquired spiritual treasure, which contains seven acquired divine taboos. It also contains a void and nether space that can be swallowed and suppress immortals. The gourd also contains Nether True Water, which can destroy the true body of immortals and the soul. .
Zhang Jian opened the gourd’s mouth at this time, and saw a ghostly light suddenly spurting out from the gourd’s mouth. The imperial energy in this light was deep and vast. It suddenly appeared outside and flew around, but instantly fell into the depths of Zhang Jian’s palm.
It was Lingbao who recognized his master on his own.
Zhang Jian opened his palm, only to see a magic pen with unusually thick Nether Qi emerging from deep in his palm.
This thing seemed to have sensed the extremely thick Netherworld Divine Power around him, and actually cast it on its own.
Zhang Jian held this Netherworld Magic Pen and interacted with the innate spirit treasure. After a moment, he mastered the secret of this treasure.
/The middle-grade innate spiritual treasure: the Netherworld Judge’s Pen contains six innate and immortal divine prohibitions!
This is a top-grade, middle-grade innate spiritual treasure that contains many laws o

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